Want to make your life about Jesus?

There are so many things that I “can do” and I love to help. Despite my best intentions, sometimes things just don’t work out. Why? I came to realize that even with my talents and abilities, I am not necessarily the solution to the problem.

Oh, how I love to sing! I can hold a tune and have quite a bit of vocal variety.  That does not translate into me being an effective worship leader or choir director.  It simply means I can make a joyful noise unto the Lord. When my focus is on glorifying Him, He is my audience and no one else needs to be present.

If I feel entitled, then it becomes about me and not about Jesus.

It is so easy to label my behavior as my “right” in the service of the Lord. If God gifted me with something, then anyone who stops me from using it becomes a part of the “problem”.  My focus shifts from my mission to serve God. It rests on what is being done to me; either to deter me or enable me.

Steps to Make Your Life About Jesus

#1 – Recognize the problem

Do you find yourself identifying problems you know you can solve? One of my Sunday School teachers had a lecturer mentality.  She would stand before the class and share what she had read in the handbook.  She didn’t connect with her students and help them relate to the content she was sharing.  For a few weeks, I was hung up on the poor delivery and how she should change (to suit me). I was making the teacher’s style of delivery the “problem” simply because I felt I had a better way. Maybe I did! But what was my reason for being in the class? It was to learn! Learning was not taking place because I was standing in the way.

When we are the ones identifying the problem and centering the solution around us, we have likely misdiagnosed the problem.

Jesus humbled himself! (Phil. 2:5-8)

#2 – Understand what it means to serve others.

It would be highly unusual for a servant to dictate to the master. Yet in our service to others, we try to play both roles.  The instructor and the solution provider.  Serving others requires us to focus on their needs. Don’t confuse it with our own desire to serve.

In attempting to apply this to my own life, I have often had to ask myself: “what does this person need me to do?”  Not what I think the person needs, but what they think they need? I may ask questions for clarification in helping me serve at my best. But when I execute my role, my focus is on meeting the needs, not on making myself look good in the process.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s grace.

I Peter 4:10

#3 – Focus on the mission

Our mission is to lead others to Christ by demonstrating His presence in our lives. While that does not necessarily mean that we carry a huge Bible and preach from our invisible (or visible) platforms, it does mean that we share the love of God which fills our own lives. God sees us with all our flaws and loves us anyway.

Whatever we do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

Colossians 3:17

Lord help me be a vessel that you can use. Emptied of self so You can fill me. Available, to be used for your glory.


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