The concept of “Me Time!” means different things to different people. As I began “living-my-wellness-chapter”, it became very evident very early that I needed to define the term. Shaping it to embrace my new reality (and not the other way around) has been interesting since I am somewhat of an introvert. In fact, it wasn’t until this morning, that I realized I had finally figured it out.

My morning began with me being grateful for life. I sat in my recliner, sipping my coffee and gazing out of the window at the many shades of green between the grass and the trees in my back yard. The splendor of spring makes me gasp in awe.

Time got away from me as I usually tune in to a broadcast. When I dialed in, I heard the presenter spouting words about the value and use of time. Then it struck me – I have changed my perspective of time and redefined my “Me Time!”

Here’s how I did it.

1 Choosing to embrace only things that add value. As someone who believes in service excellence, I spend a significant portion of my time in self-development. This allows me to live the best version of myself while helping others.

2 Choosing to reject the things that consume my time but add no value. When I separated from the corporate world, I allow the line to remain fuzzy. People would call me for the simplest of things and before you knew it, an hour or more had disappeared from my day. Drawing a hard line wasn’t easy. At first my left brain would not stop telling me how I would miss the connectivity and questioned my resolve – could I make it without the life I had left behind. The good news is, I have not missed the corporate life and I am fully enjoying living life on my own my terms.

3 Choosing to be happy. Being in full control of your time is an exhilarating yet scary feeling. What you do now is completely up to you! When I embarked on this journey, I spent time rediscovering my purpose. This brought me to a decision point. I could choose to spend it dabbling in negativity or I could choose to do the things that enhance my life and make me feel complete. What a no-brainer right?

“Me Time” is now exactly what it is supposed to be. Living the best version of me – all the time!